

I was reminded this morning whilst attending to ma toilette that I need to be blogging at least once a week if anyone is to take me “seriously”. Well that started a chain reaction of responses from me that could have had me stuck there all day, however, I actually have a full time job and so deep philosophical musings would have to be put on hold until later.

Later came sooner than I thought as my trusty little mp3 player decided at that moment to die on me and so the walk to work was music-less and my brain had some more time to ponder on that sentence…”be taken seriously”?

Am I to believe then that there are people already reading these blogs? That somehow through the depth and mire of the internet I have been “discovered” and that there are people, like myself, waiting impatiently by their computers for some sign that I have uploaded yet more nonsensical jargon aimed at no one in particular?And if I do not keep these pariahs of the internet happy with a weekly sacrifice they will think me a mere beginner? My writing will be considered insignificant?

That’s a pretty strong punishment for someone who did not even know this rule existed. But then, admitting that, have I not also admitted that I am un-used to the “ways of the internets’’ and therefore am indeed a beginner.

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